Voices From The Club | Leland Orten


How long have you been a part of C38 and what go you involved?

I've been doing the beer part of tailgates since 2019, but I've been a season ticket holder since 2010. Back then I was a part of the Pids Army and when we all joined forces with C38 I stayed with it. There was some guy who left the beer tent and they needed someone to take it over and I was like, "Well, I love beer, I like being out front of people, I like talking to people, I'm very extroverted so this makes sense." I recruited three of my friends to help me and it's been a steady group for the last five or six seasons.

What is your favorite game you've attended?

The home opener of 2010. Radio station 93.3 was giving away free tickets because of the fact that The Flowbots were playing in the terraces during halftime. My buddy and I got free tickets and we were right there next to the field. The security guard asked us if they could save a seat for my buddy down there every week would we get season tickets, and we're like, yeah, sure, why not? And we've never looked back. I grew up following the old Rapids, like when it was Wolde and Marcelo and Henderson. I was 24 at the time and had some spare money and the fact that I could do it for 12 months with no interest, I said "Let's do it." And I've never given up my season tickets.

Do you have a favorite player, current or former?

I've always loved goalkeepers, so I love Matt Pickens. I love Kosuke Kimura, he was one of the coolest dudes I've ever met, just down to earth, chill. Drew Moor's the same way, Mr. Down to Earth, always wanting to talk to people just has that friendly appearance. Probably one of those three.

Do you have a favorite memory of the team since becoming a fan?

Either the only time I've seen them went on the road, which was in Austin in 2021. That was memorable because I've been to so many road games, and I've never seen a win. And then when we throttled Seattle 5-1 at home, I think Deshorn Brown had a hat trick early, like in 30 minutes he had already scored three. And I went to Snow Clásico. Nothing's gonna top Snow Clásico.

But I also love when we have the occasional player come out to the tailgates, I also love when Portland comes to town, I love when Kansas City comes to town because they bring 150, 200 fans and they're some of the nicest people you'll meet. Like, yes during the game we're like, "Alright, well, we hope we beat you," but other than that we want to just hang out and have a good time. It's those friendships where for 90 minutes you're on opposing sides, but before that it's a whole community of the sport.

What sets C38 apart from other supporter groups around the league? 

I like the fact that we can actually buy our tickets from the club, like as a group level, and then we buy them from them. And the fact that although we buy our tickets separately, we're still season ticket members, we still get all the benefits. Where other supporters, clubs that I've talked to. They they don't have as good of a relationship with the front office as it seems like we do. So I like that aspect.